Metro Green Bus Service in Quetta Route Timings schedule

Green Line Bus Quetta Routes Ticket Prices Timings Details in One page

The Green Bus Service 8 buses have been ordered for green line service in Quetta, while 100 more buses will be ordered soon. These buses, which will run on different routes of the city. With reasonable ticket price and better travel facilities will save the citizens from wasting time. Can also save. Green Bus Quetta has started on Jind route for the first time and later more routes will be added.

Quetta Balochistan Chief Minister Mr Mir Abdul Qudous Bizenjo: taking notice of the news of Quetta daily, directed the chief secretary to ensure the start of green lin bus service in the provincial capital within 03 months.

The news regarding the service of green bus was published in Balochistan Quetta, which was noticed by the Supreme Balochistan, Mir Abdul Qudous Bizenjo. In the next three months. Must green buses will run on the streets of Quetta, this will ensure the provision of dignified travel facilities for the citizens of Quetta. The widening & construction of Saryab Road will-be completed by May this year. 

The construction of Saryab Road & other projects will-be completed in a very short time. Chief Secretary Mr Abdul Aziz Aqeeli has also instructed the concerned authorities to complete the Saryab Road by May this year. CM Balochistan has strictly instructed to make the buses operational. The previous government has submitted a proper feasibility report regarding the launch of green buses. 

There was no proper standard operating procedure (SOP) regarding the initiation of the project. Department of Transport Balochistan initially procured.

Green Bus Routes :

Firstly Route 8 buses to run the service upto Bileli & Sariab in the first phase.

More constructed roads of 

Nawan Kali


Sabzal Road, 

Joint Road

Qambarani Road

Shahwani Road  routes and then on the Quetta Bypass, for which regular buses are available. Stop & waiting facilities were also to be provided.

Metro Green Bus Service in Quetta Route Timings Sechdul

Department of Balochistan Transports initially proposed to purchase 100 green buses for the city. After thorough consideration.

 The government decided to purchase only 8 buses due to traffic and other administrative problems in Quetta city. Citizens of Quetta were deprived of dignified travel and They are forced to travel in old local buses to reach their destination. The launch of green bus service was one of the long standing demands of the people of Quetta.

Balochistan government’s decision to start new bus service in Quetta and other cities.

Quetta: Balochistan Secretary Transport Dr Muhammad Aslam Baloch announced on Thursday that new bus service will-be started soon in Quetta & other cities of Balochistan.

He more said that initially 16 buses will be operated, these buses will ply between Saryab Road & Ballyli Route. Bus service timings are yet to be announced.

 Transport Secretary further also said that the government is taking concrete steps to provide better transport to the people of Balochistan &  plans to start other similar projects in the future.

These buses have reached Quetta some Years ago i.e. on 29 June. In this regard, a summary of the workable plan has been sent by the secretary of the transport department. in which a decision will-be taken soon on the proposals included.

Green Bus Quetta Ticket Prices and Timings:

The bus ticket price schedule has not been finalized by the administration yet. However, the sources said that the ticket price at the station will range from Rs.50 to Rs.100. While the time of buses like other provinces
It will be from  Morning 7 am to 10 pm night. (GODear website will update the information here as soon as the price and time are finalised.)

On the other hand: former Chief Minister Balochistan Jam Kamal was also said in his message on Twitter: This project was started in 2020, which was to be started in Quetta in the 1st phase and later in the major cities of the province so that people can get better transport facilities. Could be.

Mr Jam Kamal further wrote: The idea was to run them initially on the newly 

More read: Pakistan and Uzbekistan bus service

At the same time, Jam Kamal complained: One project after another is being neglected or they are being treated as cold storage.

.In a meeting held on 15 January 2021 regarding this project. former Chief Minister Balochistan Jam Kamal said that the green bus project is especially important for modern travel facilities for the citizens.

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He more said that in the 1st phase, two buses will be run for women while a total of eight buses will-be run in the city under the green plan.

The Secretary Transport Blochistan told the meeting that two routes have been selected for the Green Bus. The first route will be from Serena Chowk to Bileli Check Post while 11 bus stops will be constructed on the route.

Report Source: Blochistan Chief Secretary Mr Abdul Aziz Aqeeli official tweet 29-03-2023, Godear update post date Same.

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