World Longest Tourist Bus Journey Spans 56 Days 12000km

 Get ready to take the longest Word  bus journey

The world tourist longest journey spans 56 days &12000 kilometers.

If you are an adventure, lover then the good & exciting news is that for the 1st time. The world longest tourist trip is going to take place.

According to CNN report: The Indian tourism company Adventures is going to announce the overland program soon. where passengers will make the world longest journey by bus.

Bus Journey will start from August where 30 lucky travelers will travel to 22 countries.

The journey  bus will start from Turkey pass, through the Balkans, Eastern Europe, Northern & Western European countries & end in the United Kingdom British capital.

Longest journey in the world covers 56 days & 12 thousand kilometers.

To be a part of this trip, you have to pay 24 thousand 300$ dollars i.e. 68 lakh 80 thousand PKR in Pakistani rupees. This package includes hotel accommodation including 30 breakfasts & dinners.

The world tourist longest journey spans 56 days &12000 kilometers.

Special Luxury Bus

  • The bus in which the passengers will travel,
  •  will not be an ordinary bus but a luxury bus,
  • which will have all kinds of facilities that will make the long journey of the passengers comfortable.

More read: Pakistan and Uzbekistan bus service

Bus will depart from Istanbul on 7 August & reach London on 1 October .

All details & checks have-been completed for the 22 countries that will-be traveled to to ensure a smooth sailing. The company said in a statement.

He said: Providing an excellent experience in a safe environment is our top priority. 

Also raed: Pakistan and Afghanistan New Luxury dosti Bus Service

We take responsibility for documents. paperwork visas to ensure that passengers can enjoy their journey to the fullest.

According to the Guinness World Records the world, longest bus route covers 6200 kilometers. starting from Peru & ending in Brazil.

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